A copy of this show has been found in the Demento Archives. If you would like to vote for it being transferred to digital for streaming on their web site, please click here. |
So Long Mom - Tom Lehrer
The Merry Minuet - The Kingston Trio
Switchblades And Pitchforks - Phil Austin
The Doper's Rodeo - Bandits
Perrier Junkie - National Lampoon
Hand Me Down My Jogging Shoes - Tom Paxton
Two Little Men In A Flying Saucer - Ella Fitzgerald
I Hate People - Willio & Phillio
I Didn't Like It The First Time (The Spinach Song) - Julia Lee
Do Something - Helen Kane
Smokey Joe's Cafe - The Robins
Jocko Homo (original version) - Devo
Moe Money - Cheech & Chong
I Hate Music - Jerry Colonna
The Kelly Tester (Introducing Pianomelt, the acrobatic piano) - Ian Whitcomb
Van Lingle Mungo - Dave Frishberg
That Baseball Rag - Arthur Collins
Babe Ruth's Home Run Story - Babe Ruth
D-O-D-G-E-R-S Song - Danny Kaye
Who's On First - Abbott & Costello
I Like Beer - Tom T. Hall
Linoleum - Barnes & Barnes
#5 My Dead Dog Rover - Stu, Dave & Hank
#4 Kinko The Clown - Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band
#3 Rock Lobster (original version) - The B-52's
#2 The Ballad Of Irving ("schlepping" version) - Frank Gallop
EXTRA: Steak - National Lampoon
#1 Psycho Chicken (live) - The Fools