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Merchant's Lunch - The Red Clay Ramblers
Derbytown - Old Ced Odom & Diamond Lil Hardaway
Burning Down The (Cartoon) House - Bob Rumbaugh 'N' Basketcase
Buffalo! - Milton Berle
Humphrey The Whale - Bob Chance & Tracy Sands
Fox In Socks (Fast Version) - Marvin Miller w/ Marty Gold & His Orchestra
Polar Bear Stomp - Jim Pepper
Halley's Comment - Bobby Ross
Taking Aim (excerpt) - Bette Midler
Pulchritude - Tony Vice
Goodness Gracious Me! - Peter Sellers & Sophia Loren
Witch Doctor - David Seville
Jupiter - Flaming Youth
Wasn't That A Party - The Rovers
Day Sleeper - Noel Boggs
#5 Someone Ate The Baby - Shel Silverstein
#4 I Hate When That Happens - Billy Crystal (special guest Christopher Guest)
#3 Marvin - Marvin The Paranoid Android
Dare To Be Stupid (sung by callers) - Kevin Peck & friends from Addison, IL
#2 Dare To Be Stupid - "Weird Al" Yankovic
EXTRA: Martian Hop - The Ran-Dells
#1 Homecoming Queen's Got A Gun - Julie Brown
next week: a profile of Stan Freberg
in two weeks: a salute to the Grammys
[Thanks to Chris Mezzolesta for providing this playlist]