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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #98-15 - April 12, 1998

Special Topic: 1971

We Are The Worms - Johnson & Tofte
Baby Snakes - Frank Zappa
Pet Shop - Monty Python
Dead Cicada - The Beagles

Clowny Clown Clown - Crispin Hellion Glover
Don't Send In The Clowns - Space Ghost
Empty Cocktail Lounge Blues - George Schneider
The Old Philosopher - Eddie Lawrence
Demented News With Whimsical Will

Flying Saucers - The Mello-Tones
Avon In The Amazon - The Therapy Sisters
Fur Coat - Mike Snider
Rover (The Shaggy Dog Song) - Tony Hendra & Nic Ullett

Talking Again - Henry Phillips f/ Edie Magoun
I Got A Wife - The Mark IV
Marching Off To Bedlam - Napoleon XIV
Thorazine Shuffle - Modern Entertainment

Dave - Cheech & Chong
Ajax Liquor Store - Hudson & Landry
When You're Hot, You're Hot - Jerry Reed
Lonesome Cowboy Burt - Frank Zappa

Fat Man's Prayer - Victor Buono
Mr. Veedle - Lily Tomlin
The Holygram's Song/I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus - Firesign Theatre
Saturday Morning Confusion - Bobby Russell
Argument Clinic - Monty Python

#5 My Pants Go Down (without intro) - The Capitol Steps
#4 Kinko The Clown - Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band

#3 Kenny Was A Kid From South Park - The Great Luke Ski
#2 The Scotsman - Bryan Bowers

#1 South Park Junkie - Sudden Death
next week: working