Verified listings:
- Dead Rockstars - Page The Village Idiot
- Dead Rockstars (now With More Dead People!) - Page The Village Idiot
- 2001 (original version)
- 2005 (re-recording)
Available on (*):
- 2001 CD Tales Told By An Idiot (original version)
- 2005 CD ...It's No Fun Being One Dimensional (re-recording)
Topics (not including words that are part of the title):
- celebrities
- music
- death
Alternate versions:
- Dr. Demento plays the re-recording (now With More Dead People!) unless otherwise specified.
Real name:
- Austin Hastings
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* Note that it may be available on other releases or formats than are listed, and some releases listed may not be currently available. Generally the first release is listed, along with a commonly available release (for items that aren't out of print), and any Dr. Demento compilations on which it has appeared. Albums may be out of print in their original format but still available in another format. We suggest checking various online stores or the artist's web site (if applicable) to determine current availability.