Shut Up And Drink Your Beer - Doye O'Dell
99 Bottles (excerpt) - The Blenders
Drinkin' Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee - "Stick" McGhee & His Buddies
That's My Weakness Now - Cliff Edwards (Ukulele Ike)
Yes, We Have No Bananas - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Juanita Banana - The Peels
Blowing Bubble Gum - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Popping Bubble Gum - Lonzo & Oscar
Football - Abe Lyman & His California Orchestra
What It Was, Was Football (Part I & Part II) - Deacon Andy Griffith
If I Give Up The Saxophone - Robert Q. Lewis
Piccolo Song - Judy Marshall w/ Banana & The Bunch
Trombone Cholly - Bessie Smith
Sarah Jackman - Allan Sherman
Your Baby Has Gone Down The Plug'ole - Ian Whitcomb
Hyena Baby - Allen & Grier
Why Do Girls Wear Britches - Karl & Harty
Bach 2-Part Invention - Trilby's Trio
Because I Have No Choice - Lee Alden
I Cain't Say No - Celeste Holm
When I Was A Little Girl - Katie Lee
#10 Drowning In The Surf - Stan Ross
#9 Hooray For Captain Spaulding - Groucho Marx
#8 They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! - Napoleon XIV
#7 The Ying Tong Song - The Goons
The Freckle Song (brief in-studio performance) - Captain Chaos & Jungle Judy w/ Larry Gordon(?)
#6 Shaving Cream - Paul Wynn
#5 I'm A Cranky Old Yank In A Clanky Old Tank (w/ intro) - Bing Crosby
#4 Boobs A Lot - The Holy Modal Rounders
EXTRA: Biddy McGraw - The Carlton Showband
#3 The Cockroach That Ate Cincinnati (missing spoken outro) - Rose & The Arrangement
EXTRA: Three Little Fishies - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
#2 Johnny's Got A Yo Yo - Ruth Wallis
"We are going to have a commercial." - Mrs. Miller
#1 Big Bruce - Steve Greenberg