Piccolo Pete - Ted Weems
The Piccolo Song - Judy Marshall
I'm A Ding Dong Daddy - Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys
Saturday Night At The Salvation Army - Oily Skarf Wino Band
Cocktails For Two - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
The Pig Got Up And Slowly Walked Away - Rudy Vallee
The Giggley Pig (excerpt) - Jack Smith
Donkey Serenade - Allan Jones
Ballad Of Walter Wart (Brrriggett)/It's Warts On The Flip Side That Counts - The Thorndike Pickledish Choir
If I Give Up The Saxophone - Robert Q. Lewis/Archie Bleyer orchestra
You Always Hurt The One You Love - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Get Out Those Old Records (excerpt) - Guy Lombardo
Uncle Zed Buys A Graphophone - Charles Ross Taggart
The Funny Old Phonograph - Guy Lombardo
The Broken Record - Dolly Dawn & Her Dawn Patrol
The Hi-Fi Blues - Eddie Lawrence
Can You Dig It - Jerry Samuels
What Seems To Be The Trouble Officer - Michael Blessing
Hawaiian War Chant - Spike Jones & His Wacky Wakakians
Little Audrey Says - Mae Questel
Pokeracci - Christine Nelson
Juanita Banana - The Peels
Dr. Demento Theme - The Persuasions
Radio - Arthur Hall
We're Very Fussy On The Radio - anonymous
I Ain't Gonna Say It - Billy Mitchell
Do Ya Wanna - Stutz Ashby Tuxedo Serenaders
Harvard Lampoon poem (live in studio) - read by Dr. Demento
The Ode To The Belly Button Snatcher (poem by Ms. Raleigh Reich) (live in studio) - read by Dr. Demento
Big Bear Lake - Mel Blanc
California Summertime - Lance Romance
King Of The Surf - Jose Jimenez
Drowning In The Surf - Stan Ross
Desecration Rag - Felix Arndt
Chew Tobacco Rag - Spade Cooley
When Lulu's Gone - Bang Boys
Mention My Name In Sheboygan - Beatrice Kay
Nola (excerpt) - Felix Arndt
Peter Ponsil And His Tonsil I - Gwen Davies
Peter Ponsil And His Tonsill II - Gwen Davies
Swampy River - Duke Ellington
Daybreak Express - Borrah Minevitch & His Harmonica Rascals
Breaking Into Radio Horizontally - anonymous
Johnny Podres Has A Halo Around His Head - Allen Swift
Feetball - Benny Rubin
Pool - Red Ingle
Monkey Doodle - Eddie Cantor
What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander - Ted Fio Rito & The Debutantes
Pass The Udder Udder - Stan Freberg
What's Good For The Goose (excerpt) - Ted Firo Rito & The Debutantes
Kitty Malibu - Dwight Fiske
Barstool Cowboy From Old Barstow - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Azusa - Andrews Sisters
August In Azusa - Jerry Colonna
San Fernando Valley - Bing Crosby
Home In Pasadena - Al Jolson
August In Azusa (brief in-studio performance) - Dr. Demento
Pancho Lopez - Lalo Guerrero
Avocado - Andrews Sisters
Sepulveda - King's Jesters
Pico And Sepulveda (The Street Song) - Felix Figueroa & His Orchestra
#10 Pinto Pony - Oscar Brand
#9 The Blob - The Five Blobs
#8 Davy's Dinghy - Ruth Wallis
#7 I'm Tired - Madeline Kahn
"We are going to have a commercial" - Mrs. Miller
#6 Ya Wanna Buy A Bunny - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
#5 Son Of Irving - Frank Gallup
#4 Plexiglas Toilet - Styx
EXTRA: Big Black Bug Boogie - Jimmy Dawson [skip in record]
#3 Rutabaga Boogie - Paul Shelasky & His Musical Zombies
#2 The Cockroach That Ate Cincinnati - Possum
#1 Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh! (A Letter From Camp) - Allan Sherman
next week: dog days
in two weeks: pizza