The Bird On My Head - David Seville
I Got A Code In My Doze - Rosetta Duncan
Abdul Abulbul Amir - Frank Crumit
The Son Of Irving - Frank Gallop
Shine - Bing Crosby & The Mills Brothers
The Masochism Tango (orchestral version) - Tom Lehrer
Goodness Gracious Me - Peter Sellers & Sophia Loren
Whence That Wince? - Fia Karen
The Battle of Yorktown/Finale - Stan Freberg
Ape Call - Nervous Norvus
The Redback On The Toilet Seat - Slim Newton
Spider In The Bath - Flanders & Swann
Boris The Spider - The Who
Eric, The Half A Bee - Monty Python
Wong Song - Larry Vincent
Opera Sequence - Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother soundtrack
Cocaine Blues - Roy Hogsed
I Owe A Lot To Iowa Pot - Jerry Samuels
With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm (a/k/a Anne Boleyn) - Stanley Holloway
Marvin - Christine Nelson
St. George And The Dragonet - Stan Freberg
Ain't We Crazy - Haywire Mac
Hooray For Captain Spaulding - Groucho Marx
#5 I Want My Baby Back - Jimmy Cross
#4 Shaving Cream - Benny Bell/Paul Wynn
#3 Stardrek - Bobby Pickett & Peter Ferrara
Third Most Demented City - San Diego/Chula Vista, California: Chula Vista - Possum
Second Most Demented City - Edmonton, Alberta: Name The Capital - Stompin' Tom Connors
Most Demented City - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Gotta Get To Oklahoma City - Luke Wills
#2 Friendly Neighborhood Narco Agent - Jef Jaisun
#1 Lumberjack Song/Monty Python Theme (live at Drury Lane) - Monty Python
next week: interview with Ted Knight