Black's Beach - Island
Goin' Skinny Dippin' - Mayf Nutter
Speaking Of Streaking - Harold Hardsell
Bumble Bee Invaded - Billy Mitchell
No Talent Hunt - Bob & Ray
"Are you an album spinner...No, I'm a disc jockey - Oh."
Turn On Your TV - Larry Groce
I Love Lucy - Desi Arnaz
Love In Bloom - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Convertible Car - Wally Hughes
Buick 59 - Medallions
Beep Beep - Playmates
Redneck Hippie Romance - Bobby Bare
"Revue" jingle
You And Me And A Windup Gramophone - Roaring Jelly
Tonight's My Night With Baby - Helen West
Homo Erectus - Kinky Friedman & His Texas Jewboys [briefly slowed down near begin]
Dr. Pepper Puzzler: What brand new movie uses this as a theme song? (first caller with correct answer wins Dr. Demento's Delights LP) (Answer: Kentucky Fried Movie)
Carioca - Jonathan & Darlene Edwards
In Old Mexico (live) - Tom Lehrer
Here Come The Fleas - White Noise
Listen To The Rhythm Of The Range - Roy Rogers
Dwarf's Yodel Song - Snow White original soundtrack
Cantina Band - Star Wars original soundtrack
You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) - The Beatles
Eh Cumpari - Julius La Rosa
Pet Shop - Monty Python
Bulldog Popovich - The B.J. Band
Moon Dawg! - Gamblers
Tiger Rag - Les Paul & Mary Ford
The Whale Song - Hoagy Carmichael
I Don't Know Why - Louis Prima & Keely Smith
Alphabet Song - Three Stooges [started at 45 rpm instead 33 1/3 rpm]
Tom, Tom, The Piper's Son - Tommy Dorsey
Fix Your Watch - Eddie Lawrence
The French Mistake - Mel Brooks
Stereo Sketch - Fabulous DeLuxe Brothers
Sugarbush - Josef Marais & His Bushveld Band
What A Silly Place To Kiss A Girl - Roaring Jelly
Too Fat Polka - Arthur Godfrey
My Wife Is On A Diet - Billy Murray & Walter Scanlon
The Laughing Gnome - David Bowie
Smile And Sing Your Cares Away - The Organ, The Dance Band & Me
Two Hits And The Joint Turned Brown - Dillard-Hartford-Dillard
Kickin' The Gong Around - Cab Calloway & His Orchestra
Ballad Of The Looky-Loos - B.J. Band
Up Your Nose - Gabriel Kaplan [started at 33 1/3 rpm instead of 45 rpm]
#10 Sahra Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out - Shel Silverstein
#9 Sidewalk Convoy - Sneakers & Lace
#8 Fish License/Eric The Half-A-Bee - Monty Python
#7 C.B. Savage - Rod Hart
#6 Bounce Your Boobies (w/ intro) - Rusty Warren
#5 The Cockroach That Ate Cincinnati - Possum
#4 Small Busted Women - Sulu
EXTRA: Third Base Bag - Ron Cey
#3 Delicious! - Jim Backus & Friend w/ Appleknocker & His Group
EXTRA: Surfin' Shark - Darryl Rhoades
#2 Get A Load Of This - R. Crumb & His Cheap Suit Serenaders [started at 45 rpm instead of 33 1/3 rpm, then recued]
#1 Killer Kitty - The B.J. Band