The New Star Warz - Dickie Goodman
The Movies - Statler Brothers
Pop Corn Sack - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Buying A Bed - Monty Python
Talking Union - Pete Seeger/Almanac Singers
Beautiful Teamsters - Allan Sherman
Telephone Man - Meri Wilson
Since Henry Ford Apologized To Me - The Happiness Boys
Back To School Again - Timmie Rogers
(I've Got Those "Wake Up, Seven-Thirty - Wash Your Ears, They're Dirty - Eat Your Eggs And Oatmeal - Rush To School") Blues - Jimmy Boyd
Rock And Roll Classroom - Conception Corporation
Dear Abby - John Prine
Piddlin' Pup - Ben Light
Rover - Hendra & Ullett
Junk Food Junkie (live in studio from syndicated show #91) - Larry Groce w/ Berke McKelvey
Captain Clack - Richard "Pancho" Vides
Blassie, King Of Men - Fred Blassie
The Crusher - The Novas
Nishimoto At The Bat - Harry Kari
Minnie The Moocher's Wedding Day - Cab Calloway
Aba Daba Honeymoon - Willie Solar
Mrs. Pettibone - Dwight Fiske
Elizabeth And Richard - John & Marsha
Homerun Willie - Larry Hosford
Stars And Stripes Forever - Guckenheimer Sour Kraut Band
Them Moose Goosers - Mason Williams
Dr. Pepper Puzzler: The artist on the next record often had another comedy sketch on the Top 10 2-3 years ago, but was using a different name then. What was the other name? The first caller with the correct answer wins a Dr. Demento's Delights album. (Answer: The Thorndike Pickledish Choir)
Sinister Lunchmeat - Dr. ZinGRR
The Yellow Rose Of Texas - Stan Freberg
Bus Drivers School - Bob Newhart
Toot Toot Tootsie - Mel Blanc
Sweet Birds - Calloway's Hot Shots
Stereo Sketch - Fabulous DeLuxe Brothers
Them Doodle Dashers (w/o intro) - Mason Williams
Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley
Delicious! - Jim Backus & Friend
Gennett Laughing Record/The OKeh Laughing Record/The Jones Laughing Record (Introducing The Flight Of The Bumble Bee) - Spike Jones & His City Snickers/The OKeh Laughing Record #2 [reprise near end of next song]
Hole In The Bottom Of The Lake - Travelers
Oh, How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning - Arthur Fields
Are You For Real? - Jerry Lewis
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream - Waring's Pennsylvanians
Ice Cream Truck Song - Paul August
Stormy Weather - Ethel Waters
My Handy Man - Ethel Waters
#10 D-O-D-G-E-R-S Song (Oh, Really? No, O'Malley) - Danny Kaye
#9 Sunday Funnies - J. Eric Freedner
#8 The Vatican Rag (w/ intro) - Tom Lehrer
#7 Roots - Big Daddy
#6 They're Here - Boots Walker
#5 Shaving Cream - Benny Bell
#4 Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh! (A Letter From Camp) - Allan Sherman
#3 They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! (demented mix) - Napoleon XIV
EXTRA: Let's Keep The Dodgers In Brooklyn - Phil Foster
#2 Pencil Neck Geek (w/ epilogue) - Fred Blassie
EXTRA: Everybody Wants A Little Bit Of Everybody Else's Everything - David Ruka
EXTRA: Pico And Sepulveda (The Street Song) - Felix Figueroa & His Orchestra [missing first few notes]
EXTRA: Armpit Farts (censored) - Zilch Fletcher
Billy Carter (brief in-studio parody) - Dr. Demento
#1 Dream Dirty Dreams - Sulu
The Moustache Song (brief accidental excerpt) - John Ryan [played during closing]