Rubber Duckie - Ernie (Jim Henson)
Daffy Duck's Rhapsody - Mel Blanc
The Hunting Song (live w/ intro) - Tom Lehrer
The Preacher And The Bear - Phil Harris
Nose Job - The Dellwoods
Cocaine Habit Blues - The Memphis Jug Band
Whole Lotta Love - Temple City Kazoo Orchestra
Huggin' And Chalkin' - Bob Scobey's Frisco Band w/ Clancy Hayes
I Smell Like 90 Weight - Jef Jaisun
Uncle Josh Buys An Automobile - Cal Stewart
Feudin' And Fightin' - Dorothy Shay
The Late Late Movies - Part I - Spike Jones & The Band That Plays For Fun
Mickey Mouse interview regarding his 50th birthday
Can You Dig It - Jerry Samuels
College Life - Billy Murray
Collegiate - Waring's Pennsylvanians
College Days (excerpt) - The Home Towners (bandleaders: Arthur Fields & Fred Hall)
Bright College Days (live) - Tom Lehrer
Graduation Day - Don Bowman
I'm My Own Grandpa - Lonzo & Oscar
Apes-Ma - Captain Beefheart
The Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley
Titties And Beer - Frank Zappa
#5 My Name Is Larry - Wild Man Fischer
EXTRA: She's Goin' Bald - The Beach Boys
#4 Making Love In A Subaru - Damaskas
#3 Spam - Monty Python
#2 Fish Heads - Barnes & Barnes
EXTRA: The Bears - The Fastest Group Alive
#1 Bounce Your Boobies - Rusty Warren