Smoke, Smoke, Smoke That Cigarette - Tom Bresh
Nicotine Fits - Tiny Murphy & His Bar 69 Boys
Clink, Clink, Another Drink - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Masculine Women, Feminine Men - Frank Harris
I Am Whale - Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band
The Fireman Cowboy - Slim Pickens
Time Warp - Rocky Horror Picture Show
Cocaine Blues - W. A. Nichol's Western Aces
The Thing - Phil Harris
Moon Crash - J. Eric Freedner
Trade Description Act - Monty Python
The E.I.O. Song - Mel Blanc
Golden Globe Award - John Hartford
Making Love In A Subaru (new version) - Damaskas
Boogie (All In The Name Of Love version) - John Hartford
Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend - Marilyn Monroe
Fasten Your Seatbelts - National Lampoon
Dr. Demento Theme - The Persuasions
Beep Beep - The Playmates
Bicycle Wreck - The Jacoby Bros.
Funky Moped - Jasper Carrott
Old King Tut - Jones & Hare
The Mummy - Bob McFadden & Dor
Hamburger Song - Taylor & Stone
Cheese Boogie Deluxe - Oosik Music Co.
Michael's Market - Mad Man Michaels
El Pizza - Dudley
Moo Goo Gai Pan - The Rays
Pancho Lopez - Lalo Guerrero
Noshville Katz - The Lovin Cohens
Food - Takeaways
(Hep-Hep!) The Jumpin' Jive - Cab Calloway & His Orchestra
Suicide - Darryl Rhoades & The Hahavishnu Orchestra
Suicide Is Painless - The Mash
Gonna Kill Myself (Good Gracious Me) - Bill Carlisle
Sound Off (excerpt) - Vaughn Monroe
Seein' Red - Carson Robison
I'm No Communist - Lulubelle & Scotty
The Red Deck Of Cards - Red River Dave
When They Drop The Atomic Bomb - Jackie Doll & His Pickled Peppers
"Old soldiers never die" - Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Hello DJ - Don Bowman
Ernestine - Lily Tomlin
Never Met A Person As Wonderful As Me - Alfred Yankovic
I Wanna Hot Dog For My Roll - Butterbeans & Susie
I Owe A Lot To Iowa Pot - Jerry Samuels
#10 Mongoloid - Devo
#9 He Hit Me - Mary Powell & The Webster Brothers
#8 Mahna Mahna - The Muppets
#7 L.A. Freeway - Elephant Boy & Singing Frog George
#6 Pencil Neck Geek - Fred Blassie
EXTRA: 50 Ways To Beat Your Lover - Guy Gilbert
#5 Cheese Shop - Monty Python
EXTRA: Who Cut The Gorgonzola - Will Bradley's Jazz Septet
#4 Doggy Do - Steve Wahl & The Hydrants
#3 Dead Puppies - Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band
EXTRA: Werewolves Of London - Warren Zevon
(bed wetting sketch)/Singin' In The Rain - Dr. Demento w/ Glad Glenn & Mad Mary
#2 Frosty The Dope Man - Marc Zydiak
EXTRA: I'm Not Gonna Be A Hippie Anymore - Keith Herrick
#1 The Geek's Revenge - Don Noon
Pencil Neck Geek (brief excerpt of epilogue) - Fred Blassie