I Got A Code In My Doze - Rosetta Duncan
Cleanliness - Fanny Brice
Redback On The Toilet Seat - Slim Newton
Creep, The Tragic Cockroach - Roaches
Twilight In Turkey - Raymond Scott/Jerry Colonna
Nuts - George Melly
Who Takes Care Of The Caretaker's Daughter? - Cliff Edwards
Combine Harvester - Wurzels
Woman - Jose Ferrer
Man - Rosemary Clooney
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow - Frank Zappa
Ying Tong Song - Goons
Big Ten-Inch Record - Aerosmith
Elderly Man River - Stan Freberg
Jesse James - New Society Band
The Consumer - Horse Corn (Crosson, Dahl & Brooks)
Donald, Where's Your Troosers? - Andy Stewart
Flat Fleet Floogie - Slim & Slam
Do The Orbit - Skoings
Close Encounters Of The Redneck Kind - Buster Sod
Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries - Rudy Vallee
Three Fantasies - Joe Revello
I Am Whale - Ogden Edsl
The Hamburger Song - Taylor & Stone
Pickle In The Middle - Artie "Mr. Kitzel" Aurbach
The Tomato Vendetta - Mason Williams
Psycho - Jack Kittel
Springtime For Hitler - Mel Brooks
Styrofoam - Tyla Gang
Mr. Custer - Larry Verne
L. A. Jungle - Arnie Rue
Commercial Music - Marc Zydiak
The Guy With The Voodoo - Fletcher Peck
Glow Worm - Spike Jones
Astro Boy - Cosmic Rangers
The Invasion - Buchanan & Greenfield
Here Come The Fleas - White Noise
The Eighth Wonder Of The World - Larry Storch
Window Shopping - Damaskas
Darktown Poker Club - Phil Harris
Timothy - The Buoys
The Reluctant Cannibal - Flanders & Swann
Everyone Stops For Tea (fade in) - Orville Knapp
Smokin' Reefers - Larry Adler
Some People Think Chickens Have Lips - Meyer & Drake
EXTRA: Toot Toot Tootsie Goo'bye - Mel Blanc
That's My Boy - Stan Freberg
#10 My Name Is Larry - Wild Man Fischer
#9 Who's On First - Credibility Gap
#8 Martian Hop - Ran-Dells
#7 Making Love In A Subaru - Damaskas
#6 Son Of Irving - Frank Gallop
#5 Ballad Of Irving - Frank Gallop
#4 Jocko Homo - Devo
#3 They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! - Napoleon XIV
#2 Frosty The Dope Man - Marc Zydiak
#1 Pencil Neck Geek - Fred Blassie