So Long Mom - Tom Lehrer
The Merry Minuet - The Kingston Trio
Switchblades And Pitchforks - Phil Austin
The Doper's Rodeo - Bandits
Perrier Junkie - National Lampoon
Hand Me Down My Jogging Shoes - Tom Paxton
Two Little Men In A Flying Saucer - Ella Fitzgerald
I Hate People - Willio & Phillio
I Didn't Like It The First Time (The Spinach Song) - Julia Lee
Do Something - Helen Kane
Smokey Joe's Cafe - The Robins
Jocko Homo (original version) - Devo
Moe Money - Cheech & Chong
I Hate Music - Jerry Colonna
The Kelly Tester (Introducing Pianomelt, the acrobatic piano) - Ian Whitcomb
Van Lingle Mungo - Dave Frishberg
That Baseball Rag - Arthur Collins
Babe Ruth's Home Run Story - Babe Ruth
D-O-D-G-E-R-S Song - Danny Kaye
Who's On First - Abbott & Costello
I Like Beer - Tom T. Hall
Linoleum - Barnes & Barnes
#5 My Dead Dog Rover - Stu, Dave & Hank
#4 Kinko The Clown - Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band
#3 Rock Lobster (original version) - The B-52's
#2 The Ballad Of Irving ("schlepping" version) - Frank Gallop
EXTRA: Steak - National Lampoon
#1 Psycho Chicken (live) - The Fools