Marijuana Polka - Will Barnes
Frosty The Dope Man - Marc Zydiak
Beer Drinking Song - Mac Davis
Rainy Day Women #12 & #35 - Bob Dylan
East L.A. - Bob Arlin
The Further Adventures Of Pedro & Man - Cheech & Chong
Mexian Radio - Wall of Voodoo
E.T. Phone Home - Uncle Vic
Cohen At The Telephone - Barney Bernard
Rock And Roll Doctor - Travesty Ltd.
Quaaludes Again - Shel Silverstein
Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (remake) - Lonnie Donegan
Sing Me A Happy Song - Peter Lind Hayes
It's Sister Jenny's Turn To Throw The Bomb - The Glencoves
Do You Think It's Gonna Rain? - Peter & Lou Berryman
Moisture - Residents
Kazooed On Klassics - Temple City Kazoo Orchestra
Beaver Cleaver Fever - Angel & The Reruns
Vampire Beavers - Joe Hall & The Continental Drift
Beer Hunter - Bob & Doug McKenzie
Ethel Pump - Garry Lee & Showdown
Fussy Eater (brief accidental excerpt) - George Carlin
She's Got Colonel Sanders Thighs - Rotunda
E.T. For Breakfast - John Christensen
Hamster Love - Big Daddy
Fussy Eater - George Carlin
I Didn't Like It The First Time (The Spinach Song) - Julia Lee
Cupcakes (w/ intro) - Terri O'Mason
My Girl's Pussy - R. Crumb
Circular Impression - Extras
College Life - Billy Murray
Collegiate - Waring's Pennsylvanians
Bright College Days (live) - Tom Lehrer
Campus Rules - The Four Preps
Silicon Valley Guy - Don Data & The Rez-Tones
My Bicycle Tillie - Bill Samuels
Bicycle Seat - Max Splodge
E.T. I Love You - Buckner & Garcia
Smut - The Other Half
Dead Puppies (brief in-studio performance) - Dr. Demento
The Rodeo Song (excerpt) - Showdown
Sigfried - Stuart Paul
Musical Mike's Jazz Corner: Washboard Cut-Out - Bobbie Leecan's Need-More Band
#10 Video Games - Toons
#9 Hey E.T. - Dickie Goodman
#8 Another One Rides The Bus - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#7 Those Two Dreadful Children - Cruella Da Ville
#6 Russian Bandstand - Spencer & Spencer
EXTRA: The Scotsman - Bryan Bowers
#5 Kinko The Clown - Ogden Edsl
#4 E.T. - Dan Martin
#3 I Like - Heathen Dan
#2 I Had Sex With E.T. - Barnes & Barnes
EXTRA: Plexiglas Toilet - Styx
#1 Ice Box Man - George Carlin
in two weeks: live from the brand new Tower Records store in gorgeous Sherman Oaks