Ajax Liquor Store - Hudson & Landry
Reefer Man - Cab Calloway & His Orchestra
Let's Make A Dope Deal - Cheech & Chong
Rappin' Duke (early fade) - Rappin' Duke
Yuppie Love - The Unchartables
Wilberforce, Get Off That Horse - Freddie Fisher
I Wanna Kiss Her - Tim Cavanagh
Big Butt - Bobby Jimmy & The Critters
Brownie Batter And Oatmeal Tea - The Donzo Bog Band
Existential Blues, Pt. Too? - Tom "T-Bone" Stankus
Thirty Years A Princess - Nancy White
Fly Trouble - John McEuen
Down On The Electronic Farm - The Android Sisters
Leon The Cat - Mike Harvey & Leon
The Persian Kitten - Phil Harris
Siamese Cat Song - Dave Stewart & Barbara Gaskin
Cats - Barnes & Barnes
I Hate Cats - Harry Waller
The Cat Came Back (edit) - John Greenway
Hunting Tigers Out In "Indiah" - The Bonzo Dog Band
Felix The Cat - The Cricketone Singers
My Girl's Pussy - R. Crumb & His Cheap Suit Serenaders
#5 Tell Me You Rove Me Lyn Chow - Dennis
#4 Rock And Roll Doctor - Travesty, Ltd.
#3 Fish Heads - Barnes & Barnes
#2 Boogie In Your Butt (single version) - Eddie Murphy
#1 Dead Puppies - Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band
next week: singing cartoonists
[Thanks to Chris Mezzolesta for supplying this playlist]