The Grace L. Ferguson Airline (And Storm Door Co.) - Bob Newhart [1960]
The Telephone - Mike Nichols & Elaine May [1961]
Bedtime Story - Vaughn Meader/Norma McMillan [1962]
Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh! (A Letter From Camp) - Allan Sherman [1963]
Revenge - Bill Cosby [1967]
Mr. Veedle - Lily Tomlin [1971]
The Hair Piece - George Carlin [1972]
Basketball Jones Featuring Tyrone Shoelaces - Cheech & Chong [1973]
Our Text For Today - Richard Pryor [1975]
Mad At My Mother/Excuse Me (promo edit) - Steve Martin [1977]
Grandpa Funk - Robin Williams [1979]
No Respect (excerpt) - Rodney Dangerfield [1980]
Burnin' Up - Richard Pryor [1982]
Singers (excerpt) - Eddie Murphy [1983]
Eat It - "Weird Al" Yankovic [1984]
1985 Nominees in alphabetical order:
Born In East L.A. - Cheech & Chong
You Look Marvelous - Billy Crystal
Surfer Chick - Whoopi Goldberg
Honeymooners Rap - Joe Piscopo w/ Eddie Murphy & D.S.T.
Like A Surgeon - "Weird Al" Yankovic
next week: interview with Steven Wright
NOTE: No Funny 5 this week. Whoopi Goldberg's album ended up winning
the Grammy for Best Comedy Recording that year, which is interestingly
enough the only one of the 5 nominees never to have been played on the
show before, and rarely since.