The Scotsman - Bryan Bowers
Bras On 45 - Ivor Biggun & The D. Kups
Let's Do Something Cheap And Superficial - Burt Reynolds
Edna - Strapped
The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane - The Ames Brothers
Take The Skinheads Bowling - Camper Van Beethoven
Argument - Monty Python
Worms - Captain Rock
Lydia The Tattooed Lady - Groucho Marx
Zombie Jamboree - The Kingston Trio
The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me) - Tom Waits
Honeymooners Rap - Joe Piscopo w/ Eddie Murphy & D.S.T.
Night After Night - Lenny & Squiggy
The E.I.O. Song - Mel Blanc
The Last Blast Of The Blasted Bugler (edited version) - Sonny Giannotta (w/ Phil Camarata & Tommy Cardinale)
Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends - Phil Ochs
Hallelujah, I'm A Bum - Haywire Mac
Salvation Army Song - Judy Henske
#5 Polka Dot Undies - Bowser & Blue
#4 The Doctor - Jim Burrill
#3 The Human Race - The Frantics
#2 Rock Me Jerry Lewis - Mike Elliott & Bud LaTour
#1 Roaches - Bobby Jimmy & The Critters