White Collar Holler - Stan Rogers
Mercedes Benz - Janis Joplin
Car Noises - The Frantics
Gas Station Washroom - The Frantics
Girl Fight Tonight - Julie Brown
My Name Is Not Merv Griffin - Gary Muller
Little Eeefin Annie - Joe Perkins
Tighten Up '87 - K97 Looney Tunes
Walkin' In My Winter Underwear - Stan Boreson & Doug Setterberg
Chiller - Wally Wingert
Let's Blow Up The Tow Truck - Krypton
Button Up Your Overcoat - Helen Kane
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow/Nanook Rubs It - Frank Zappa
Let's Have A Drug Free Christmas - Tim Cavanagh
The Hal And Lulu Chorus (edit) - The Amazing Pink Things
Sixty Minute Man - The Dominoes
Turkey Day Blues - The Gatorkicks Band
Alice's Restaurant Massacree - Arlo Guthrie
#5 Boris The Spider - The Who
#4 Pencil Neck Geek (w/ epilogue) - Fred Blassie
#3 Polka Dot Undies - Bowser & Blue
#2 Last Will And Temperament - The Frantics
AUDIO TORTURE CHAMBER: I'm Not Gonna Be A Hippie Anymore - Keith Herrick
#1 Star Trekkin' (simulated Canadian single edit) - The Firm
next week: profiling Shel Silverstein