The Scotsman - Bryan Bowers
The Martian Boogie (edited version) - Brownsville Station
Hang On The Bell, Nellie - Beatrice Kay
Take The Skinheads Bowling - Camper Van Beethoven
My Dead Dog Rover - Hank, Stu, Dave & Hank
Making Love In A Subaru - Damaskas
Beep Beep - The Playmates
You Were Speeding - The Frantics
Pop Hates The Beatles - Allan Sherman
My Boyfriend Got A Beatle Haircut - Donna Lynn
Heartbreak Hotel - Stan Freberg
Velvet Elvis - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Sister Mary Elephant - Cheech & Chong
(Memories Of America) Ode To The Little Brown Shack Out Back - Billy Edd Wheeler
Tip Toe Thru The Tulips With Me - The New Christy Minstrels
The Blue Danube - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
You Are So Rare To Me - The Three Haircuts (Sid Caesar, Carl Reiner, Howie Morris w/ Joe Reisman & His Orchestra)
Lasagna - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Ice Box Man - George Carlin
I Eat Kids - Barry Louis Polisar
Vampire Beavers - Joe Hall & The Continental Drift
The Shadow Knows - The Coasters
The Laughing Policeman - Charles Penrose
Laughing Song - The Residents
Spam - Monty Python
#5 The Trouble With Klingons - Dennis Williams
#4 Rappin' Duke (early fade) - Rappin' Duke
#3 Pencil Neck Geek - Fred Blassie
#2 The Contra Rap - Rich Little
#1 Fat - "Weird Al" Yankovic
next week: tribute to mother (Mother's Day); 100th birthday tribute to the great Irving Berlin