playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show (live on KLSX) - January 24, 1988 (7p-9p)

Special Topic: The Frantics' funniest and most requested bits

Super Skier - Dan Murphy
The Curly Shuffle - Jump 'n The Saddle
Contra Rap - Rich Little

The Sit Song - The Barron Knights
Dog Ball - Stevens & Grdnic
You Stink But I Love You - Bill & The Boingers
Physical Exam - Rich Little
Shaddap You Face - Joe Dolce

Lucille - Frank DeLima & Na KoLohe
Demented News - Whimsical Will
So Happy - Steve Vai & Laurel Fishman
Laugh And Be Happy - Sheriff John

Good Morning Vietnam (excerpt) - Robin Williams
Nowhere To Run (brief excerpt) - Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
Golden Globe Award - John Hartford
She Grabbed My Coconuts - Barry & The Bookbinders
C.P.A. - The Pretensions
The New Age Blues - Michael Horn & The Hornettes

You Were Speeding - The Frantics
Gas Station Washroom - The Frantics
Bill From Bala - The Frantics
Human Race - The Frantics

Roman Numerals - The Frantics
You People Are Fat (edit at end) - The Frantics
Outgrossing (edit) - The Frantics
I Shot Bambi's Mother - The Frantics
Last Will And Temperament - The Frantics

Intro Rap/The Definitive A Cappella Led Zeppelin Medley - Country Dick Montana
#5 Puka - Bud Latour
#4 Ti Kwan Leep/Boot To The Head - The Frantics

#3 Stuck In A Closet With Vanna White - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#2 9 Coronas - John Mammoser
EXTRA: The Man On The Flying Trapeze - Spike Jones & His City Slickers

#1 Fish Heads - Barnes & Barnes
next week: the great music of Spike Jones
in two weeks: an interview with a very very special guest, Mr. Frank Zappa
in three weeks: rest of our conversation with Frank