Would Jesus Wear A Rolex - Ray Stevens
The Brady Bunch - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Gumby And Pokey Ride Again - Dale & The Deadheads
Demented News With Whimsical Will
It's The Same Old Shillelegh - Bing Crosby
Biddie McGraw - Carlton Showband
Ballad Of Gary Hart - John Denver
Don't Bogart Me - Fraternity Of Man
The Jar Song - Michael Collins
I'm A Bum - Lack Of Restraint
Hallelujah, I'm A Bum - "Haywire Mac" McClintock
The Elements - Tom Lehrer
The Richter Scale - Quidnuncs
Mr. Wizard And Timmy - Stevens & Grdnic
A Look At Things That Don't Exist - Dr. Jane
Dr. Science Interview
Siam - Spike Jones
Steppin' On The Gas - Sam Morgan's Jazz Band
I Want You Back - Esso Trinidad Steel Band
I Married Mama - Barnes & Barnes
#5 Make Up Dirty Words - The Frantics
#4 Animal Square Dance - Emo Philips
#3 Contra Rap - Rich Little
#2 The Smoke-Off - Shel Silverstein
#1 Star Trekkin' - The Firm