Where's The Service? - The Pheromones
Ivana Wants My Cash - Jim Zippo & The Zippanoids
Pick Of The Week: Saggin' Guts - Old Kids On The Block
They Don't Make Nun Names (Like That No More) - Tommy Sharp & The Sharptones
Born To Be Bald - Loose Bruce Kerr
I'm My Own Grandpa - Homer & Jethro
I Want Your Sox - Iceman
Do Something - Helen Kane
Day And Nitrous - Martin Azevedo
The Dentist - Bill Cosby
Dentist! (single version) - Steve Martin (w/ Bill Murray)
Ask The Doc: Why is Bill Murray's part in "Dentist!" missing from the Little Shop Of Horrors CD soundtrack?
Whole Lotta Love - Temple City Kazoo Orchestra
Pinball Wizard - Portsmouth Sinfonia
The OKeh Laughing Record (excerpt)
Holiday For Strings (edited excerpt) - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Cobwebs And Strange - The Who
Cartoon Medley:
Lorne Elliott interview
Highly Illogical - Leonard Nimoy
#5 Sorry - Chunky A
#4 Moose In My House - Scott Laningham
#3 Booger On My Beer Mug - Sneaky Pete Rizzo
#2 Existential Blues - Tom "T-Bone" Stankus
#1 We Love Barney Fife - Guns N' Moses
next week: jazz