Normal - Martin Mull
Plastic Jesus - The Goldcoast Singers
Pick Of The Week: Einstein - Tom Dark
Mr. Wizard And Timmy - Stevens & Grdnic
My Boomerang Won't Come Back - Charlie Drake
G'Wan Home, Your Mudder's Callin' - Jimmy Durante
Let's Make The Water Turn Black (Old Masters remix) - The Mothers Of Invention
What's It Like To Be You? - Barnes & Barnes
I Love Me - Mel Blanc
Birdhouse In Your Soul - They Might Be Giants
Tennessee Bird Walk - Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan
Jewish Rapper - The Gomers
Wrap It Up - Black Shabbos
Weather Forecast - The Master Singers
Let's Blow Up The Tow Truck - Krypton
I'm Hip - Dave Frishberg
Minnie The Moocher - Cab Calloway & His Orchestra
Gimme That Wine - Lambert, Hendricks & Ross
Who Put The Benzedrine In Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine - Harry (The Hipster) Gibson
Matzoh Balls - Slim Gaillard
Psychopathia Sexualis - Lenny Bruce
Benny's From Heaven (edit) - Eddie Jefferson
Mr. Roberts #1 - National Lampoon
Stay Demented (edit) - Harry "The Hipster" Gibson
Ask The Doc: Does Eddie Lawrence the philosopher have any albums out?
The Old Philosopher - Eddie Lawrence
#5 No Smoking - Landry & Biener
#4 Saggin' Guts - Old Kids On The Block
#3 Pencil Neck Geek (w/ epilogue) - Fred Blassie
#2 We Love Barney Fife - Guns N' Moses
#1 The Smallest Thing Known To Man - Lorne Elliott
next week: medical dementia