I Want Your Sox - Iceman
Walking In My Winter Underwear - Stan Boreson & Doug Setterberg
Stuck In Arabia - David Seville & The Chipmunks
Libyan On A Jet Plane - Pinkard & Bowden
PMS/EGO - Kevin Orr
Take An Indian To Lunch This Week (Pilgrim's Progress)/Under The Double Turkey (The Thanksgiving Story) - Stan Freberg
I Eat Kids - Barry Louis Polisar
Tuna Fish - Federman & Brady
Mack The Knife - Bill Smith
Ain't Got No Home - Clarence "Frogman" Henry
Vampire Frogs - Sneaky Pete
The Lady I Know (Choppin' Broccoli) - Dana Carvey
Generic Blues - "Weird Al" Yankovic
I Don't Have The Hair - Laszlo & Gary
Ask The Doc: Do the Frantics have any albums out?
You Were Speeding - The Frantics
Pick Of The Week: M-80 - The Colin Sphincter Band
Metal Machine Music (excerpts from all 4 sides) - Lou Reed
A Goose For My Girl (At Thanksgiving) - Benny Bell
Turkey Day Blues - The Gatorkicks Band
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (excerpt) - William Shatner
Alice's Restaurant Massacree - Arlo Guthrie
#5 Shake Your Tuchas - 2 Live Jews
#4 Comin' Back For More - C.W. McCall
#3 Yoda - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#2 Wet Dream - Kip Addotta
#1 Existential Blues - Tom "T-Bone" Stankus
next week: go to the movies; dipping a little bit into the Christmas spirit(s)