Noah...Right! - Bill Cosby
You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) - The Beatles
Synonym Girl - Duck Logic
Demented News With Whimsical Will
The Laughing Gnome - David Bowie
Malathion Song - Barbie & The Big Cheese
Strange Things (Are Happening) - Victor Banana
John Belushi - Chance Langton
Nature Trail To Hell - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Werecow - Flippy T. Fishead
Werewolves Of London - Warren Zevon
Coming Soon, Lumbago - The Downloaders
2 Hot 4 U Part 2 - Barry & The Bookbinders
Disco Boy - Frank Zappa
Ice Box Man - George Carlin
Poisoning Pigeons In The Park - Tom Lehrer
Springtime For Hitler - Mel Brooks
April Showers - Spike Jones & His City Slickers f/ Doodles Weaver
Streakin' U.S.A. - Harry C. Hepcat
The Streak - Ray Stevens
In Old Mexico - Tom Lehrer
Let's Talk Dirty In Hawaiian - John Prine
Loving You Is Surfing You - Rap Reiplinger
#5 Birdhouse In Your Soul - They Might Be Giants
#4 Wappin' - Darrell Hammond & Christopher Snell
#3 Carphone - Sheeler & Sheeler
#2 Star Trekkin' - The Firm
#1 Sensitive New Age Guys - Christine Lavin
next week: a demented salute to television