Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life - Monty Python
Lakeside Trailer Park - Country Dick Montana (of The Beat Farmers)
Ricky - "Weird Al" Yankovic
The Hal And Lulu Chorus - The Amazing Pink Things
Frozen Embryos - 3 Guys From Hollywood
Amoeba Hop - Christine Lavin
Baa-Baa Black Sheep - The Singing Sheep
Cow Imagination - Lou & Peter Berryman
Everybody Wants My Fanny - Benny Bell
Pick Of The Week: I Wanna Kiss Her - Tim Cavanagh
Stink-Foot - Frank Zappa
The Soba Song - 3 Mustaphas 3
Sushi Baby - Bianca "Flystrip" Miller
Merle Haggard Was Eating Tofus - Ralph Litwin
The Chinese Waiter - Buddy Hackett
Busted - Ray Charles
Money - The Flying Lizards
Money, Money (edit) - from Cabaret Original Sound Track Recording
Money - The Lovin' Spoonful
Money - Big Jim Buchanan
Romance Without Finance - Tiny Grimes Quintette
Greenbacks - Ray Charles
Where's The Money? - Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks
Bras On 45 - Ivor Biggun & The D. Kups
Nose Job - The Dellwoods
The Nose - Loose Bruce Kerr
#5 Dust Mites - Heywood Banks
#4 Squirrels - The Beastly Boys
#3 Existential Blues - Tom "T-Bone" Stankus
#2 Star Trekkin' - The Firm
#1 Kick Ass USA - Milo Tremley
next week: records about records