I Want A New Duck - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Rubber Duckie - Ernie (Jim Henson)
Stamp Collecting - Dr. Love & The Erogenous Zones
Coupon Clippin' (edit) - Gene Simmons
Pick Of The Week: Do The Claw - Dread Zeppelin
It Still Smells Like Elvis - Bowser & Blue
He Ate Too Many Jelly Donuts - Rick Dees & His Cast Of Idiots
Ice Ice Baby - Big Daddy
Grow, Mrs. Goldfarb - Allan Sherman
Hitler Was A Vegetarian (w/ intro) - Joel Mabus
I Eat Kids - Barry Louis Polisar
Just To Feed My Dog - Abby Henderson
Take Off (album version w/o outro) - Bob & Doug McKenzie
Bill From Bala - The Frantics
The Rodeo Song (radio edit) - Showdown
Nick Bellows Sports Talk - The Royal Canadian Air Farce
Canadian Wildlife Dead Animal - The Frantics
Rubber Biscuit - The Blues Brothers
Hockey Night In Canada - The Brothers-In-Law
Canada Is... - Royal Canadian Air Farce
Sam, The Hot Dog Man (edit) - Lil Johnson
The Frim Fram Sauce - The King Cole Trio
#5 Don't Get Killed - Andy Breckman
#4 Doctorin' The Tardis (demented mix) - The Timelords
#3 Werecow (edit) - Flippy T. Fishead
#2 I Hate When That Happens - Billy Crystal (w/ Christopher Guest)
#1 7-Eleven - Led Slurpee
next week: all-American
[Thanks to Tom McCown for providing this playlist]