Intergalactic Laxative - Donovan
Nellie The Elephant - The Toy Dolls
Philosopher's Song - Monty Python
Linoleum - Barnes & Barnes
I Hold Your Hand In Mine - Tom Lehrer
Cohen On The Telephone - Barney Bernard
Telephone Man - Meri Wilson
Uh Oh (Part 2) - Nutty Squirrels
Gonna Cut My Own Head Off - John Bartles
Colorado Cool-Aid - Johnny Paycheck
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Babyl Of New Kuwait - The Pheromones
Mr. Saddam - Beverly Rose & Neil Wolfson
They're Coming Home - SuLu
Polka Dot Undies - Bowser & Blue
Eleanor Rigby - Doodles Weaver
Ice Age Baby - Gabe Green
Mammary Glands - Kristin Lems
Pancho Lopez - Lalo Guerrero
Elderly Man River - Stan Freberg
M.C. Hammer Rap Blues - Gabe Green
The Crepitation Contest - anonymous
EXTRA: Montana - Frank Zappa
#5 Sit On My Face - Monty Python
#4 You Can Save A Lot Of Water... - Johnny Dangler
#3 Real Fat - Bob Millea
#2 Kinko The Clown - Ogden Edsl
#1 Fish Heads - Barnes & Barnes