Go Shopping (excerpt) - Mendi Segal w/ Shtillson & Govatinberg
Mario - The Capitol Steps
I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred
Right Said Fred - Bernard Cribbins
B.A.R.F. Construction - Doo-Doo Wah
Long Dong Silver - Cleaning Ladys
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Remember Pearl Harbor (excerpt) - Carson Robison
You're A Sap, Mr. Jap (excerpt) - Spike Jones
Workin' For The Japanese - Doo-Doo Wah
Chunder In The Old Pacific Sea - Barry Humphries
It's Christmas And I Don't Know Where I Am - Dudley Moron
I Got Loaded - Peppermint Harris
Hangover - Krypton
Mariachi Band - Harry Jeremy
Babalu Music - "Weird Al" Yankovic/Desi Arnaz
Tom Lehrer Interview part 3 (taped in Boston)
You Don't Bring Me Floriculturally Diverse Polyfragrant Soilistically Challenged Multipetaled Victims of Pesticidal Food Chain Chauvinism - The Capitol Steps
Green - The Pheromones
#5 Give Yourself A Hand - Peter Alsop
#4 Squirrels - The Beastly Boys
#3 It's A Gas - Alfred E. Neuman
#2 An Axl Christmas - Sponge Awareness Foundation
Punk Polka - The Toons
#1 Star Trekkin' - The Firm
next week: ski & snow party