Great Green Gobs (w/ intro) - Penn Jillette
You People Are Fat (edit at end) - The Frantics
I'm Too Chubby - John Mammoser
Kill A Cat - Glenn Super
Let's Do It - Rudy Vallee
Let's Do Something Cheap And Superficial - Burt Reynolds
Banana Love - The Bobs
I Love Lucy - Desi Arnaz
The Unreleased She Loves You (Inspired By Dr Strangelove) - Peter Sellers
Entering Marion - John Forster
Lakeside Trailer Park - Country Dick Montana (of The Beat Farmers)
Monkey Motel - Scott Laningham
They're Coming To Get Me Again, Ha Haaa - Napoleon XIV
The Jackson Family - John Mammoser
Pick Of The Week: Prosperity Is Just Around Which Corner? - Carson Robison Trio
Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? - Bing Crosby
Busted - Ray Charles
Now's The Time To Fall In Love - Dick Robertson
Happy Days Are Here Again (excerpt) - Leo Reisman
Depression Medley:
Basically Frightened - Col. Bruce Hampton
I've Got Two Legs - Monty Python
#5 Silicon Slim - John Forster
#4 Smart Girls - Brian Wilson
#3 Sister Mary Elephant - Cheech & Chong
#2 Moose In My House - Scott Laningham
#1 7-Eleven - Led Slurpee
next week: some very clever sound effects
[Thanks to Tom McCown for providing this playlist]