Flight Attendant - Meryn Cadell
I Lost My Heart On A 747 - Tom Paxton
Bumble Bee - Meryn Cadell
Big Cock-Roach - Kip Addotta
'Tain't No Sin (To Take Off Your Skin And Dance Around In Your Bones) - Lee Morse & Her Blue Grass Boys
The Streak - Ray Stevens
Battered Plants (edit) - George Carlin
Never Set The Cat On Fire - Frank Hayes
Little Bit Late - Lewie Wickham
I'm Late - Mary Martin
Frazzled - Dale Gonyea
Uncle Jack Sez Relax - Charles Webb & Tom Bolton
Shaddap You Face - Joe Dolce
Beam Me Up, Scotty - Dr. Gonzo
The Trouble With Klingons - Dennis Williams
Another Day On The Enterprise - Swashbuckler Boots
Stardrek - Bobby Pickett & Peter Ferrara
Spock Rap - Neural Paralyzers
Bar Trek - Thomas Gauthier
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - William Shatner
Highly Illogical - Leonard Nimoy
F.A.P. (Feline American Princess) - Leslie Fish
#5 Beer Gut - Da Yoopers
EXTRA: Kicked My Baby In The Butt - Raphael DiGiorgio
#4 You Don't Love Me Anymore - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#3 Hey Batman! '92 - Whimsical Will
#2 The Sweater - Meryn Cadell
#1 Star Trekkin' - The Firm
next week: car tunes
[Thanks to Tom McCown for providing this playlist]