Special Topic: elections
The Human Race - The Frantics
Dog Eat Dog - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Timothy - The Buoys
Warmer Every Day - Joel Mabus
This Could Be The Start (N.Y.C. Version) - Steve Allen
Impossible - Steve Allen
Grandpa Died Laughing - Joe Keefe
Laughing Song - The Residents
Thus Cacked Henrietta (a/k/a Also Sprach Zarathustra) - Ray Stevens
Demented News with Whimsical Will "A Candid Date With the Candidates"
They're At It Again (In Country Club D.C.) - Madd S. Hell & The Don Robertson Blues Band
Money Song - Monty Python
I'm In The Mood For Love - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
The Sideboard Song (Got My Beer In The Sideboard Here) - Chas & Dave
Get Drunk With Dignity - Tim Cavanagh
Bathroom On The Right - John Mammoser
Boys In The Wood - Fraser Smith
Cinderella - Jack Ross
Roll Over Harry Truman - Greg "The Madman" Bran
Ross 3:16 (edit) - Groove Handle
God Bless Archie Bunker (Archie Bunker For President) (excerpt) - Kirby Stone & The Ethnic Family
Ringo for President (excerpt) - Rolf Harris
Snoopy for President (excerpt) - The Royal Guardsmen
(Pooh for President) (excerpt) - Larry Groce
Miss Piggy For President (excerpt) - The Cincinnati Dancing Pigs
Sophie Tucker For President - Sophie Tucker
Alvin For President - David Seville & The Chipmunks
Medley: Elvis Presley For President - Tabloid/John Lennon For President - David Peel
Medley: We'll Ride With Nixon - The Pied Pipers/High Hopes With Jack Kennedy - Frank Sinatra
Nixon In '92 - Doodoo Wah
Get Out And Vote - Johnny Standley
Unequal Time - Eddie Lawrence
#5 Contra Rap - Rich Little
#4 The Second Week Of Deer Camp - Da Yoopers
#3 You Don't Bring Me Floriculturally Diverse Polyfragrant Soilistically Challenged Multipetaled Victims of Pesticidal Food Chain Chauvinism - The Capitol Steps
#2 Gilligan's Island (Stairway) - Little Roger & The Goosebumps
#1 Religion And Politics Ya-Ta-Ta! Ya-Ta-Ta! (Bleeped Version) - Scott Beach
next week: The Bonzo Dog Band/Veteran's Day