I Wanna Kiss Her - Tim Cavanagh
Everybody Wants My Fanny - Benny Bell
Itchy Twitchy Spot - Run C & W
Old Dead Animalskin House - Royal Canadian ir Farce
Demented News With Whimsical Will
The Hockey Song (excerpt) - Stompin' Tom Connors
Little Toot - Maclean & Maclean
Dr. Death And His Suicide Machine (edit) - Sons Of Willy Loman
Heaven Is For Presbyterians (edit) - The Frantics
Asthma Rap - The Vacant Lot
Transfusion - The Four Jokers
You Were Speeding - The Frantics
It's Just My Kids - Scary Gary Alan
Girl Watcher (brief excerpt) - The O'Kaysions
Great Canadian Moments - Royal Canadian Air Farce
The Smallest Thing Known To Man - Lorne Elliott
Music, Sex And Cookies - George Uetz
Got My Face In The Fridge (Over You) - Barbara Scott
Human Race - The Frantics
Contra Rap - Rich Little
I Do The Watusi - Howie Mandel
Let's Talk Dirty To The Animals - Gilda Radner
#5 Dwarf Tossin' - Bouquet Of Veal
#4 Peter The Meter Reader - Meri Wilson
#3 My Dead Dog Rover - Hank, Stu, Dave & Hank
EXTRA: Rudy Rudy - Harry Jeremy
#2 Ti Kwan Leep/Boot To The Head - The Frantics
#1 Stairway To Heaven - Rolf Harris
next week: motorcycles