Take Off - Bob & Doug McKenzie
Be Prepared - Tom Lehrer
Barney's on Fire - None of the Above
Wasn't That a Party - The Rovers
Out-Grossing - The Frantics
Duck Butter - Skrooz Lewis
The Rodeo Song - Showdown
Demented News with Whimsical Will
(Theme from) The Monkees - The Benzedrine Monks of Santo Domonica
Hey Der Milwaukee Polka - Johnny & The Leisure Suits f/ Jonathon Brandmeier
Mrs. Fletcher (Help Me, I've Fallen) - Slant 6 & The Jumpstarts
Trigger Happy - "Weird Al" Yankovic
America's Most Hated Criminal - The Sad Pack
Quebec Language Police - The Royal Canadian Air Farce
Polka Dot Undies - Bowser & Blue
Trucker - Corky & The Juice Pigs
The Beerhunter - Bob & Doug McKenzie
The Smallest Thing Known to Man - Lorne Elliott
Hepatitis Cafe - The Fuchsia Boys
The Billboard Song - Homer & Jethro
The One on the Right Is on the Left - Johnny Cash
Losing My Religion - The Benzedrine Monks of Santo Domonica
Feel the Brain - Brian Dewan
Bill from Bala - The Frantics
#5 Eskimo - Corky & The Juice Pigs
#4 PMS Airlines - The Royal Canadian Air Farce
#3 Entering Marion - John Forster
#2 God Told Me To Rob the 7-11 - Dick Price
#1 Hittin' Bedrock - Whimsical Will
next week: fitness