White Collar Holler - Stan Rogers
Microsoft Word(tm) - Paul Anderson
Ajax Liquor Store - Hudson & Landry
I Live In A Split Level Head - Napoleon XIV
Demented News With Whimsical Will
The Day I Tried To Teach Charlene McKenzie How To Drive - Ray Stevens
Traffic Lights - Monty Python
Psycho Chicken - The Fools
Whatever Happened To Ol' Jack - Freddie Slack
Just Because You're You - The Duh
Deck The Halls With Parts Of Charlie - The Cryptkeeper
Good Old Days - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Lydia, The Tattooed Lady - Groucho Marx
When I See An Elephant Fly - Dumbo original soundtrack
Little Rascals Medley - The Beau-Hunks
Knights Of The Round Table - Monty Python
Reefer Man - Cab Calloway
On The Good Ship Lollipop - Shirley Temple
Sweet Transvestite (audience participation version) - Tim Curry
The French Mistake - John Morris/Mel Brooks
Dentist! (single version) - Steve Martin (w/ Bill Murray)
Loving You Is Surfing You - Rap Reiplinger
EXTRA: I Am My Dad - The Electric Bonsai Band
EXTRA: Bad Haircut - Wally Pleasant
#5 Let's Blow Up The Tow Truck - Krypton
#4 The Curly Shuffle - Jump 'n The Saddle
#3 Cow Patti - Jim Stafford
#2 Pencil Neck Geek - Fred Blassie
#1 Wet Dream - Kip Addotta
next week: aliens and UFOs
in two weeks: a special two-hour tribute to Frank Zappa on the anniversary of his death
in three weeks: trim the tree with Dr. D