Diet Song - Shel Silverstein
Spam - Monty Python
Gossipo Perpetuo - Jean Jacques Perrey
Zombie Jamboree - Rockapella
She Don't Use Jelly - The Flaming Lips
The Little Baby Fall Down And Go Boom - The Kwiffs
The All-Collision, All-Explosion Song - John Hartford
Why Does The Sun Shine? (The Sun Is A Mass Of Incandescent Gas) - They Might Be Giants
Demented News With Whimsical Will
The Ding Dong Song - Williams & Ree
Dead Skunk - Loudon Wainwright III
Boris The Spider - The Who
How's Your Whole...Family? - Red Peters with Anthony "Tex" Marino & The Poisonaires
Since You've Been Gone - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Eat It - "Weird Al" Yankovic
You People Are Fat - The Frantics
Exercise Till You Die - Stevens & Grdnic
Fat As I Am - Bette Midler
Fat Man's Prayer - Victor Buono
Junk Food Junkie - Larry Groce
New Year's Resolutions - Scary Gary Alan [formerly Laszlo & Gary]
Interview with Jim Infantino
Down With V.E.G. - The Amazing Onionheads
You're A Hamburger - Radio Free Vestibule
#5 Ding! Fries Are Done - Billy
#4 The Masochism Tango - Tom Lehrer
#3 Trigger Happy - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#2 Smoke Two Joints - The Toyes
EXTRA: I Like Chinese - Monty Python
#1 Bulbous Bouffant - Radio Free Vestibule
next week: tobacco, pro and con