Basketball Jones Featuring Tyrone Shoelaces - Cheech & Chong
The Martian Boogie - Brownsville Station
Sahra Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out - Shel Silverstein
I Love Trash - Oscar (Carroll Spinney)
Did Your English Lose In Favor Of Ebonics Overnight? - Loose Bruce Kerr
The Alphabet Song - The Three Stooges
Conjunction Junction - Jack Sheldon & Terry Morel
L-Y - Tom Lehrer
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Steve Threw Up - Beck
The Chenille Sisters give us their Bob Dylan update/Blowin' In The Wind - A Female Perspective - The Chenille Sisters
Men - Martin Mull
Lumberjack Song - Monty Python
I'm Ready To Groove - Raquel Welch
Dirty Love - The Mothers
Zsa Zsa - Richard Goldman
Transfusion - Nervous Norvus
Living With a Hernia - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Bacteria - Penn & Teller
Coconut - Nilsson
Goodness Gracious Me! - Peter Sellers & Sophia Loren
Physical - Mike Nichols & Elaine May
Like a Surgeon - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Boogie Woogie Amputee - Barnes & Barnes
Grandma's White LeBaron - Chip Taylor
#5 Nobody Home - The Toyes
#4 Sweet Little Blossom Of Mine - Henry Phillips
#3 We Are The Worms - Johnson & Tofte
#2 Star Wars Cantina - Mark Davis
#1 Yoda - "Weird Al" Yankovic
next week: cartoon tunes