Poisoning Pigeons In The Park (orchestral version) - Tom Lehrer
The Biggest Ball Of Twine In Minnesota - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Tennessee Bird Walk - Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan
Fly On A Plane - Christine Lavin
Bitchin' Camaro (edit) - The Dead Milkmen
Learn How To Drive - Barry & the Bookbinders
Backwards XYZ's - Snot Roquemore
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Roommate From Hell (live in studio from 97-02) - Henry Phillips
World's Worst Roommate - John Kruth
Hell - Squirrel Nut Zippers
Satan Gave Me A Taco - Beck
The Irish Ballad (live) - Tom Lehrer
Traditional Irish Folk Song - Denis Leary
Biddy McGraw - The Carlton Showband
Smells Like Nirvana - "Weird Al" Yankovic
The Deodorant Song - Ray Stevens
Outgrossing - The Frantics
Tapeworm Of Love - I, Brute Force
The Chenille Sisters give us their Bob Dylan update/Blowin' In The Wind - A Female Perspective - The Chenille Sisters
Hunger Is From - Ken Nordine
Snack Attack - Godley & Creme
You're A Hamburger - Radio Free Vestibule
I Know You're A Fish - Tony Goldmark
#5 Bad Kid Show Host - Wally Pleasant
#4 One More Minute - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#3 Monster Hash - The Toyes
#2 Star Wars Cantina - Mark Davis
#1 Cows With Guns - Dana Lyons
next week: space, aliens, and UFOs