Mexican Radio - Wall of Voodoo
The Visitors - Monty Python
Birdhouse In Your Soul - They Might Be Giants
Green Garden Hose Part #2 - Brother George Underbrush
Cain And Abel (fade) - Bingo Gazingo
The Explorer - Napoleon XIV
Demented News With Whimsical Will
The Eighth Wonder Of The World - Larry Storch
Dachshunds With Erections Can't Climb Stairs - The Mrs Ackroyd Band
Three Months Late (album version) - Da Yoopers
It Makes A Fellow Proud To Be A Soldier (studio version) - Tom Lehrer
Men - Martin Mull
Stout-Hearted Men (excerpt) - Nelson Eddy
The Crusher - The Novas
I Like 'Em Big And Stupid - Julie Brown
Men - Lorne Elliott
Power Tools - Ray Stevens
Put Another Log On The Fire (Male Chauvinist National Anthem) - Tompall
Beer In My Underwear - Hermanos Gonzalez
Sensitive New Age Guys - Christine Lavin
Mannish Boy - Muddy Waters
Hopelessly Heterosexual - Peter Alsop
Some Of My Best Friends Are Straight - Romanovsky & Phillips
I Like Boys - Judy Tenuta
Firing The Surgeon General - The Foremen
#5 Boy Wonder I Love You - Burt Ward (f/ Frank Zappa)
#4 Monster Hash - The Toyes
#3 Wet Dream - Kip Addotta
#2 Star Trekkin' - The Firm
#1 Dungeons And Dragons - The Dead Alewives
next week: children