The Hunting Song - Tom Lehrer, with Orchestra
Scary Uninvited Party Guest - The But Franklies
Wasn't That A Party - The Rovers
My Wife Left Town With A Banana - Carlos Borzenie, Sr.
Turn Your Head Sweetheart - Hawthorne
Blacks 'n' Jews - Josh Alan
National Brotherhood Week - Tom Lehrer
Ebonically - Howlett Smith
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Theme from "The Weird Al Show" - "Weird Al" Yankovic
You Were Speeding - The Frantics
Atomic Cocktail - Slim Gaillard
Ajax Liquor Store - Hudson & Landry
I'm Normal - The Emperor
Deteriorata - National Lampoon
The Hostility Rag - Jack E. Leonard
Life Gits Tee-Jus Don't It - Carson Robison
Worms - Captain Rock
Hole In The Bucket - Spearhead
Generic Blues - "Weird Al" Yankovic
The Old Philosopher - Eddie Lawrence
So Far So Good - Andy Breckman
Uncle Jack Sez Relax - Charles Webb & Tom Bolton
Lakeside Trailer Park - Country Dick Montana
Ish Ka Bibble (excerpt) - Kay Kyser & His Orchestra (f/ Merwyn Bogue)
Happy Happy Joy Joy - John Kricfalusi & Chris Reccardi (from The Ren & Stimpy Show)
I'm Happy - Ivor Cutler
Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life - Monty Python
#5 Last Will And Temperament (with full ending) - The Frantics
#4 Return Of The Flying Saucer '97 - Jon Goodman
#3 Shaving Cream - Dr. Demento
#2 On The Shoulders Of Freaks - Henry Phillips
#1 The Knuckle Song - Barry & the Bookbinders
next week: early comedy rap ("old school dementia")