playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show (live on KSCA) - January 26, 1997 (10p-12m)

NOTE: This broadcast was taped for national distribution by On The Radio Broadcasting three weeks later as show 97-07.
Special Topic: all-request
Loving You Is Surfing You - Rap Reiplinger
Bicycle Seat - Max Splodge
Rock Me Jerry Lewis - Mike Elliott & Bud Latour
I Want My Baby Back - Jimmy Cross
I Still Write Your Name In The Snow - Chet Atkins

Nobody Home - The Toyes
It's All Right To Be A Clod - John Palme
Happy Happy Joy Joy - John Kricfalusi & Chris Reccardi
Demented News With Whimsical Will

The Hockey Song - Stompin' Tom Connors
The Beerhunter - Bob & Doug McKenzie
The Martini - Fred Astaire
Atomic Cocktail - Slim Gaillard

Argument Clinic (brief accidental excerpt) - Monty Python
Bruces - Monty Python
Argument Clinic - Monty Python
Spam - Monty Python
Sweet Little Blossom Of Mine (w/ intro) - Henry Phillips

Mother Nature (w/ brief intro) - Dan Murphy
I Think I'm A Clone Now - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Baby Snakes - Frank Zappa
Worms - Captain Rock
I Wuv A Wabbit - Spike Jones

The Talking Telephone - Max Morath
Phony Calls - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Answering Machine - The Dead Alewives

#5 Four Years Of High School Spanish - The Four Postmen
#4 Wet Dream - Kip Addotta

#3 Kill The Wabbit - Mark McCollum
#2 Yoda - "Weird Al" Yankovic

#1 Ode To My Car (Car Honk Version) - Adam Sandler
next week: the birds and the bees and maybe a monkey or two