Another One Rides the Bus - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Ich Macht Die Farzen - Chris Cundey
It's A Gas - Alfred E. Neuman
Dial 1-800 When I'm Gone - Supe & the Sandwiches
Dr. Kevorkian - Doodoo Wah
March Of The Cuckoos (w/ Dr. D intro) - The Roto Rooter Good Time Christmas Band
Jungle Boogie - The Roto Rooter Good Time Christmas Band
Hawaiian War Chant (Ta-Hu-Wa-Hu-Wai) - Spike Jones & His Wacky Wakakians
Demented News With Whimsical Will
We Love Barney Fife - Guns N' Moses
Uncle Mad Dog - A Cast Of Thousands
Bad Kid Show Host - Wally Pleasant
Smells Like Camp Granada - Alien Van Sherman
The Rodeo Song - Showdown
Sad Cowboy Song - The Red Elvises
The Ballad Of Irving - Frank Gallop
The Buick LeSabre Dance - The Roto Rooter Good Time Christmas Band
Election '80 - Dickie Goodman
Who Shot J.R.? - Gary Burbank w/ Band McNally
I Bet You They Won't Play This Song On The Radio - Monty Python
Ayatollah - Steve Dahl Teenage Radiation
Psycho Chicken (Clucked) - The Fools
Empire Strikes Back (Medley) (background only) - Meco
Party In My Pants - Barnes & Barnes
Space Invaders - Uncle Vic
Moisture - The Residents
Dallas theme (background only)
Mr. Bill (original version) - Meyer & Drake
#5 Rabbit Valley - The Four Postmen
#4 Girl With Emphysema - Too Live Nurse
EXTRA: Mr. Frump In The Iron Lung (Placebo E.P. Version) - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#3 Hacker's Rap Part Two: The Internut - Whimsical Will
#2 Lumberjack Song - Monty Python
#1 The Knuckle Song - Barry & the Bookbinders
next week: demented love songs