The Man Song - Sean Morey
'Cause I'm A Blonde - Julie Brown
Virtual Vivian (rock version) - John Forster
Bras On 45 - Ivor Biggun & The D. Kups
Jesse (The Jesse Ventura Song) - Molly & The Tinker
Rutabaga Boogie - Paul Shelasky & His Musical Zombies
As Bad As This (excerpt with "Plexiglas Toilet") - Styx
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Beep Beep - The Playmates
Making Love In A Subaru - Damaskas
Monster - Fred Schneider & The Shake Society
Paralyzed - The Legendary Stardust Cowboy
Queens - Francesca Blumenthal
New York, New York - Bill Lanphier
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - They Might Be Giants
Skokiaan (excerpt) - The Four Lads
Cancun - John Forster
The Rodeo Song - Showdown
I Wish I Was A Cowboy (edit) - S. E. Rogie
I Wanna Be A Cowboy - Boys Don't Cry
A Cowboy Needs A Horse - Roy Rogers
A Cowboy Needs A Horse - "Rhino Brothers"
Cowboy Rap - Jimmy Collins
The Cowgirl Song - Leslie Eliel
Cow Paint And Body Shop - Riders In the Sky
Sea Of Grass - The Billy Nayer Show
Werecow - Flippy T. Fishead & The Mighty Ground Beeves
#5 Cow Patti - Jim Stafford
#4 Dungeons And Dragons - The Dead Alewives
#3 Me Like Hockey (long version) - The Arrogant Worms
#2 Come Sail Away - Eric Cartman
#1 Cows With Guns - Dana Lyons
next week: 35th anniversary of The Beatles coming to America