Bake My Pie - Vinnie & The Stardusters
Boogie In Your Butt - Eddie Murphy
We Are The Worms - Johnson & Tofte
Sex And Chocolate - Urban Tapestry
Candy Man Blues - Mississippi John Hurt
Hey, Mr. Postman! - Henry Phillips
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Jiggle The Handle! - Steve Barrett
The Popcorn Song - Cliffie Stone & His Orchestra (vocal by Bob Roubian)
30,000 Pounds Of Bananas - Harry Chapin
Pachelbel (live) - Rob Paravonian
Mr. Bass Man - Johnny Cymbal
The Undertaker Theme (excerpt) - The Beast Wrestling Foundation
The Crusher - The Novas
Blassie Rants (excerpt) - Fred Blassie
Pencil Neck Geek - Fred Blassie
Andre The Giant (excerpt) - Bob Finnegan & Battle Royal
Heart Throb (excerpt) - Austin Idol & Idolater
The Body Rules (excerpt) - Jesse (The Body) Ventura
Hulk Hogan Theme (excerpt)
For Everybody (excerpt) - Rowdy Roddy Piper
Captain Lou's History Of Music - Capt. Lou Albano
Hell Frozen Over (excerpt) - Stone Cold Steve Austin
Macho Man (Oooh yeah!) - the great Luke Ski
The Title Upset (excerpt) - Fred Blassie
Grandma Vs. The Crusher - Reverend Billy C. Wirtz
#5 Debbie - Throwing Toasters
#4 Urban Myth - Henry Phillips
#3 Life's Gonna Suck - Denis Leary
#2 Ritalin - Rob Paravonian
#1 The Chainsaw Juggler - The Four Postmen
next week: the police