Take Me Out To The Ball Game - Mike Ditka
Boobs A Lot - The Holy Modal Rounders
Beauty's In The Eye Of The Beerholder - Chuck Wagon & The Wheels
Save The Beer - Faust & Lewis
Smoker's March - Richie Phillips
Random Drug Testing - Cub Koda
Backwards XYZ's - Snot Roquemore
Demented News With Whimsical Will
The Man On The Flying Trapeze - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Them Moose Goosers - Mason Williams
Country Folks Can Survive! - Larry Weaver
Mississippi Squirrel Revival - Ray Stevens
The Train Kept A-Rollin' - The Johnny Burnette Rock 'N Roll Trio
Snoopy For President - The Royal Guardsmen
I Like Marijuana (excerpt) - David Peel & The Lower East Side
I Owe A Lot To Iowa Pot - Napoleon XIV
Ohio - Brak (f/ Wally Gator/The Brakettes)
Moose Turd Pie - Utah Phillips
Mr. Custer - Larry Verne
12 Gauge Enema (excerpt) - Bobby G
Trigger Happy - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Some Of My Best Friends Are Straight - Romanovsky & Phillips
Lincoln And Franklin - Wheat
A Man Can't Be Too Careful What He Signs These Days (Declaration Of Independence) - Stan Freberg
Don't Burn That Flag (edit) - Rex Andrew
Camouflage - Stan Ridgway
#5 Beep Beep - The Playmates
#4 Getting In Touch With My Inner Bitch - Christine Lavin
#3 Shaving Cream (live vocal) - Dr. Demento
#2 Another One Rides the Bus - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#1 Fish Heads - Barnes & Barnes
next week: songs that have the words "I Am" in the title