Hey X-Men! - Whimsical Will
Oui! It's So Humid - 2 Live Jews
Wall Of Gum - Those Darn Accordions
Yodelling Overtures - Mary Schneider
Will The Turtle Be Unbroken? - The Mrs Ackroyd Band
Toe To Toe With The HMO - The Four Bitchin' Babes
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Little Eeefin Annie - Joe Perkins
Detective Story I - The Frantics
Little Blue Riding Hood - Stan Freberg
Never Set The Cat On Fire - Frank Hayes
Smoking Song - Heywood Banks
Smokin' In The Boy's Room - Brownsville Station
Random Drug Testing (fade) - Cub Koda
Go! Go! Go! (excerpt) - The Del-Tino's (f/ Cub Koda)
Jail Bait - The Points (f/ Cub Koda)
The Martian Boogie (album version) - Brownsville Station
On The Shoulders Of Freaks - Henry Phillips
Freakin' At The Freakers Ball - Shel Silverstein
Walter Wart, The Freaky Frog - The Thorndike Pickledish Pacifist Choir
Help, I'm A Rock (Suite In Three Movements) 3rd Movement: It Can't Happen Here (excerpt) - The Mothers Of Invention
Cruisin' With Pedro De Pacas - Cheech & Chong
#5 Country Folks Can Survive! - Larry Weaver
#4 You Have 257 Messages - Barry & The Bookbinders
#3 Save The Beer - Faust & Lewis
#2 Kill The Backstreet Boys - Tony Goldmark
#1 Yoda - "Weird Al" Yankovic
next week: big things