Little Jugs Need Lovin' Too - The Dan Orr Project
Boobs A Lot - The Holy Modal Rounders
The Weather Channel Song - Jeff Walker & The Wackjobs
Ode To Playboy - Bob Ricci
Chicken Sandwich - Boogerman
Downers And Uppers - Bill Cosby
Guitar Pill - Henry Phillips
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Be Prepared (live) - Tom Lehrer
Smokin' In My Mom's Womb - Tim Cavanagh
Working Where The Sun Don't Shine - Bowser & Blue
Earache My Eye Featuring Alice Bowie - Cheech & Chong
WTO Disco (Disco Version) - Dana Lyons
Cup Cakes (w/ intro) - Terri "Cup Cake" O'Mason
Eat It - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Tapeworm - Doug Newman
Dieting - Kip Addotta
You Eat Too Much - Harold Burrage
Eat Too Much - Guns N' Moses
Fat Man's Prayer - Victor Buono
Overweight Blues (excerpt) - Bood & Felice Bryant
Fit Or Fat (excerpt with "Fat As I Am") - Bette Midler
Diet Song - Shel Silverstein
Cookies, Pie And Cake - Yogi Yorgesson w/ Johnny Duffy & The Scandahoovians
Housewives On Diet Pills - Skip Stephenson
You People Are Fat - The Frantics
Down With V.E.G. - The Amazing Onionheads
#5 Guerilla Radio - Richard Cheese
#4 Pencil Neck Geek (w/ epilogue) - Fred Blassie
#3 One More Minute - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#2 Charliesomething - Eric Schwartz
#1 The Devil Went To Jamaica - Travis Meyer
next week: funny songs without words