Song Inside My Head - The Arrogant Worms
Worms - Captain Rock
Baby Snakes - Frank Zappa
Sealed With A Bris - The Shleps
I Need A Squirrel - Ice Diddy
Squirrels (stereo edit) - The Beastly Boys
Girl (You Can Feed My Hamster) - Throwing Toasters
Hamster Love - Big Daddy
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Kindergarten Of The Stars - Robin Williams
Never Bite A Married Woman On The Thigh (1978 version) - Shel Silverstein
Bicycle Seat - Max Splodge
Butt Steak (live) - Joey Skidmore
The Streak - Ray Stevens
Donald, Where's Your Trousers?/What Do You Do with a Drunken Sailor? - Brobdingnagian Bards
Another Irish Drinking Song - DaVinci's Notebook
Particle Man - They Might Be Giants
Superman - Freddie Fisher
Super-Duper Man - Dickie Goodman
Arthur Curry - Ookla the Mok
Peter Parker - the great Luke Ski f/ Sudden Death
Adam West - Wally Wingert & The Caped Club
Miranda - Adam West
Boy Wonder I Love You - Burt Ward (f/ Frank Zappa)
The Superhero Sketch - A Cast of Thousands
Super Hero Blues - Seduction of the Innocent
#5 Suicide Hotline - Mr. X's Briefcase
#4 Fibber Island - They Might Be Giants
#3 Reinstalling Windows - Les Barker
#2 Bad Influence - Throwing Toasters
#1 Dead Puppies - Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band
next week: selfish (songs with the word "I" or "me" in the title)
in two weeks: the world's most demented tribute to Elvis (wherever he may be)