Spam - Monty Python
Sinister Lunchmeat - Dr ZinGRR
The Lox Song - Flip Schultz
Walleye - The Hula-Poppers
Leftovers - Green Beings
Beatle Rap - The Qworymen
You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (stereo edit) - The Beatles
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Wannabe A Slayer - the great Luke Ski f/ Chemele as "The Spike Girls"
Buffy Come Back - Angel & The Reruns
1984 (Those Crazy Party Days) - Phlapps & The Platypus Band
We Didn't Start The 80s - Gordon & Phirm
Pie - The Rock f/ Slick Rick
Pie In The Face - Soupy Sales
Moose Turd Pie - Utah Phillips
Woman Is A Man's Best Friend - Teddy & The Twilights
Perfect Woman - Tom Ball & Kenny Sultan
Bounce Your Boobies - Rusty Warren
Mammary Glands - Kristin Lems
Swimmin' With The Wimmin - George Formby
Getting In Touch With My Inner Bitch - Christine Lavin
A New Babe - Whitney Cohen
#5 Moose In My House - Scott Laningham
#4 Ballad Of The Big Buffet - Mylo Hatzenbuhler
#3 Bad Influence - Throwing Toasters
#2 Frank's Not In The Band Anymore (radio edit) - Worm Quartet
#1 Cows With Guns - Dana Lyons
next week: men