The 90's Song - Alan Gordon
Fabulous 50's - Robert Klein
Don't Mess With The IRS - Dr. Elmo
I Have To Kill You Now - Carla Ulbrich
Britney Zombie - Tony Goldmark
Bye, Bye Britney Spears - Milo Bobbins
The All Collision All Explosion Song - John Hartford
Warm Leatherette - The Normal
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Energy Crisis '74 - Dickie Goodman
Osama (Eat Grenades) - The Dan Orr Project
Osama - Yo' Mama - Ray Stevens
Amazin' Man - John Bird (as Idi Amin)
Take Off (single edit) - Bob & Doug McKenzie
Bill From Bala - The Frantics
Circular Impression - The Extras
Morris The Moose - Lorne Elliott
Let's Talk Dirty To The Animals - Gilda Radner
Rippy The Gator - The Arrogant Worms
The Rodeo Song - Showdown
Working Where The Sun Don't Shine - Bowser & Blue
Quebec Language Police - Royal Canadian Air Farce
Little Toot - MacLean & MacLean
The Hockey Song - Stompin' Tom Connors
Kevin And God - Radio Free Vestibule
#5 Toast (Live) - Heywood Banks
#4 Fart In An Elevator - KJV Presents
#3 Grope Me Gently, Airport Security Guard - Larry Weaver
#2 Random Drug Testing - Cub Koda
#1 The Scotsman - Bryan Bowers
next week: stupidity